Satel-Satelline Survey Epic Pro EASy 35 Watt, RTK radio modem

SKU: YM6813
well suited for outdoor use (land surveying, Construction Precision Farming, agriculture GPS RTK, for instance) under varying weather conditions.
SATEL-SATELLINE-EASy Pro is an IP67 classified UHF radio modem with a high power (25 or 35W) transmitting watts, wide 70 MHz tuning range (403...473 MHz) in one hardware with selectable channel spacing 12.5-25. It is particularly power setting 10/20/25/35w
The EASy 35 has a high transmitting power, up to 35 watts.The range of up to 80 kilometers can be covered
May be misleading, Mountain top to Mountain top line of sight
The EASY PRO YM6813 allows access to changing settings through the Front panel
The EASY PRO YM6813 allows access to changing settings through the Front panel
The 4 Pro uses software from Satel to load a radio channel list from The Computer
See Satel-Satelline 35w Epic Pro EASy Brochure
See Satel-Satelline 35w Epic Pro EASy Brochure
- The EASy 35 meets the IP67 standard, compact aluminum case and connectors of the SATELLINE-EASy Pro are waterproof and secured against dust. The radio modem is equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), used to indicate the current frequency, channel number, power level, voltage level, field strength), as well as for changing the setups of the radio modem. Compatible with other SATELLINE-3AS family and –EASy modems.
- Satel Survey Epic Pro EASy 35 Watt UHF, RTK High Power Base/Repeater Radio RTK GPS
- Selectable frequency range of 403-473 MHz
- Rugged field ready design featuring IP67 rating with
- With Sokkia, Geomax, Carlson BRx5, BRX6, BRX6+ Long Range GPS/GNSS receivers you can take advantage of the rugged quality of a long range radio product
- The new Satelline 3ASd EASy Epic Pro 35 RTK UHF wireless radio, is a high-speed UHF radio modem that can also be used as a high power base or high power repeater radio modem for long range RTK
- Compatible with Sokkia, Geomax, Carlson, Topcon, Novatel, Pacific Crest and Trim-Talk
- Optional, cables for Receiver to radio, antenna, packages. power cable
- Compatible with SATEL-3AS and -3AS Epic modems, Selectable channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz.
- Optional cables and accessories may be needed, call Benchmark Bob 480-751-9500
- The EASy 35 meets the IP67 standard, compact aluminum case and connectors of the SATELLINE-EASy Pro are waterproof and secured against dust. The radio modem is equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), used to indicate the current frequency, channel number, power level, voltage level, field strength), as well as for changing the setups of the radio modem. Compatible with other SATELLINE-3AS family and –EASy modems.
- 403-470 MHz, with 12.5 kHz/ 25 kHz spacing
- 5, 10, 20, 25, or 35W saves on power requirements
- Compatible with Sokkia, Topcon, Pacific Crest, and Trim-talks, works with all brands
- Push button configuration
- Dual band, free channel scanning
- Shock and vibration resistant 35 Watt transmitter for long range RTK
- Easy to change channels, LCD for status and channel selection
- IP 67 waterproof and dust proof
- Epic Pro EASy can be used as a high power base or repeater
- Cables, batteries, antennas ordered separately